The original Windex 1200C was developed in Sweden by Sven-Olof Ridder and Harald Undén. It's history and comlplete technical data can be found at It's configuration with engine nacelle on th e directional stabilizer makes it very interesting for a R/C model.
After finishing the Gee Bee R3 project, Matjaž was looking for a glider model that he could fly on daily basis. He already owned two Windex 1200 kits by another producer, but wasn't completely satisfied with their performance.
Still, the idea of a self launching glider won't let go and so we decided to develop our own Windex 1200C. On my suggestion we chose somewhat bigger scale, which resulted in over 5 m wingspan. With a very professional consulting of Andreas Reisenauer we were able to reach a very comfortable self launch performance with a geared brushless electric motor and Li-Po accumulators.
wingspan 5.400 mm
fuselage length 2.255 mm
wing area 150 dm2
weight approx 15 kg
wing airfoil MH-32 mod
controls: height, rudder, ailerons, flaps, air brakes, engine throttle